Confessions of a Pastor’s Wife: Prayer Works

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Tonight, while laying in bed watching Starman, my husband turns to me and says, “I’ll give you $200 if you can make my headache go away.” Surrounded by (predominately) young men on a daily basis, my mind naturally goes to an impure place. I check myself for a penis, but discover I am still a girl. Oh thank God!

“Doesn’t that constitute me being a prostitute?!” He doesn’t find me nearly as clever as I think I am. So I began to rub my hand through his hair as to not make him think I’m “laying hands on him.” We’ve never been that couple. But I was, in fact, laying hands on him. And I was praying.

My prayer went something like this:

God, please heal Michael from his headache. 1) Because YES! I want the money, 2) because I am tired of hearing about the headache. It’s been two straight days, and 3) because I love him and don’t want him to be in pain.


I fell asleep with my hand on his forehead. He woke me up to tell me to go to bed and that his headache was mostly gone. . . So, I’m thinking $100? $150?

2 thoughts on “Confessions of a Pastor’s Wife: Prayer Works

    adexoxox said:
    October 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM

    Love it! Love you! Thankful you kept this “G” for a few reasons 🙂 But this, it’s real and that’s why I love you. I think some people think pastor’s wives are supposed to fit a certain mold, which I see leading to brokenness and burnout, performing for the masses, facades impossible to upkeep. I would venture since neither of you fit a mold that’s not a worry, and since your intimacy with The Lord is real and true, just meeting with Him, no fancy dress or special song to accompany his sermon, but rather a hand through his hair with prayers going up to our Healer, well that’s better than “performing”.

    But what I really want to know is, how much richer are you today? 😉

    Amy Cheshire responded:
    October 4, 2013 at 6:46 PM

    Thank you! And . . . Two Bens richer 🙂

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